Assem is a faculty member and the coordinator of the computer science program at the School of Science and Engineering of Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane. He received his PhD and MSc in computer science from Michigan State University, USA. He had received an electrical engineering degree from the Mohammadia School of Engineering (EMI), Rabat. He held a visiting teaching position at the department of computer science and engineering at Michigan State University. Prior to his academic career, he had worked as a software engineer in the ministry of public works, where he was the head of a department of computer and information systems, before obtaining an American scholarship for graduate studies in the USA.
Assem’s teaching and research interests include data analytics, artificial intelligence and business intelligence. He has published in several conferences and journals, in addition to a book chapter and several keynote speeches. He chairs the school’s computer science academic committee and has recently led the school’s actions to design new BSc in computer science programs with majors in computer systems, artificial intelligence, big data analytics, cloud and mobile software engineering, and cyber physical systems. He also leads the school committee for ABET accreditation of current and new computer science programs, and their compliance with Al Akhawayn University’s adherence to NEASC/NECHE.
Assem has served as vice-chair of the IEEE Morocco section since 2016. He contributed as an IEEE volunteer to major events like the IEEE humanitarian activities (HAC), WIE international leadership summit and the e-Government workshop in 2018. He also co-chaired and served in the organizing and technical committees of various conferences, including several editions of IEEE CIST, IEEE MELECON and IEEE technically sponsored conferences. Assem also helped in leading the IEEE Morocco section efforts in collaborating with African sister sections to initiate the IEEE Region 8 Africa Area initiative and subsequently the IEEE Africa Council, of which Morocco section is a founding and active