Provisional Program

Dear authors, please download the CIST'12 provisional program by clicking on the link below.

Special Hotel Rate

Special hotel rate for CIST12 participants at Volubils Hotel:

- 500DH /night for single room, breakfast included

- 650DH/night for double room, breakfast included

Accepted Papers on Invited Session

Accepted Papers on Invited Session "Information and Multimedia Processing"

• Alilat Farid and Loumi Saliha "Indexing and Content based Image Retrieval by SVM"
• Hanane Froud, Abdelmonaime Lachkar and Said Ouatik El Alaoui "Stemming Versus Light Stemming for Measuring the Simitilarity between Arabic Words with Latent Semantic Analysis Model"

Read more: Accepted Papers on Invited Session

IEEE CIST'12 Accepted Papers

  • Omar El Beggar, Brahim Bousetta and Taoufiq Gadi. Generating methods signatures from transition state diagram : A model transformation approach
  • Fatima-Zahra Ammor, Driss Bouzidi and Amina Elomri. An Automatic and Customized Support Based on Artificial Ants
  • Mina Elmaallam and Abdelaziz Kriouile. Model ISR3M for assessing maturity of IS risk management process Case study
  • Lamya El Alamy, Sara Lhaddad, Soukaina Maalal, Yasmine Taybi and Yassine Salih-Alj. Bus Identification System For Visually Impaired Person

More Accepted Submission


Prospective authors should submit by using the online submission form a paper of 4 pages minimum describing their original work using the Manuscript Templates for IEEE CIST'12 Proceeding.

Please read the IEEE criterias for the Author Responsibilities before submitting your paper.
Author Contact Information
Author Affiliation

Publication Principles on Authorship

Concurrent/Duplicate Submissions

Preliminary/Conference Version(s)


Accepted papers will be published in the proceeding in the IEEE Xplore Library (Print Version ISBN #978-1-4673-2725-1)

Furthermore, Authors of high quality papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work for potential publication in a special issue/section of an international journal.

Accepted papers must be registered; otherwise they will not be included in the IEEE Xplore Library. The first author is limited to submit a maximum of 2 papers and at least one of the co-authors of every paper should register.


April 15, 2012:
May 04, 2012

June 11, 2012
July 8, 2012

July 3, 2012
July 22, 2012

August 6, 2012
August 20, 2012

October 22-24, 2012