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September 8, 2019

Welcome to the IEEE Morocco Section Newsletter ! For many years this newsletter has been stopped for logistics reasons, now we are back with more information and news.

The IEEE Morocco Section ExCom wishes to thank sincerely Prof. Yaan Benmaissa for his dedication and effort to furthering the mission of our section by reviving the online publication of our newsletter. This would also not have been possible without the commitment and professionalism of our web specialist Mr. Amr Marrakchi who despite all the technical complications has managed to design a nice visual and format. The editorial board is providing invaluable support for editing the content and enhancing its quality. Last but not least, The IEEE MS is also thankful for everyone’s contribution and involvement in the section’s activities. The IEEE Moroccan network is becoming wider and wider every day, and sharing what our members are doing may lead to inspiring everyone and encouraging him (her) to contribute to the development of our community and society.


Newsletter Editor:

Prof. Yann Benmaissa, INPT, Rabat, Morocco,   Contact

Editorial Board:

Pr. Mohammed El Mohajir, FSDM, USMBA, Fez

Pr. Nasser Assem, AUI, Ifrane

Pr. Mustapha Benjillali, INPT, Rabat, Morocco

Pr. Mohammad Essaaidi, ENSIAS, Rabat, Morocco

Pr. Maha El Biadi, FLDM, USMBA, Fez

Web Designer :

Ing. Amr Marrakchi

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