IEEE INPT STB Artificial intelligence workshop
The branch organized a workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine…
Date & location: 24-25 Apr 2019 at Rabat
Organizational Unit : IEEE INPT Student Branch
After the successful 3rd edition of the Scientific Event on Information Technology (SEIT’18), the IEEE INPT Student Branch, AMTIC, INPT CeDoc and INPT organized the 4th edition held at INPT, Rabat, on April 24-25, 2019. SEIT’19 was organized on the theme : “ Digital Trust: Challenges and Opportunities” Digital transformation is important for many traditional organizations as it makes them more connected, mobile and able to provide online services.
The enablers of this transformation are the Cloud, the Internet of things, mobile devices and plateforms, 5G networks, Big Data and Artificial intelligence. The problem is that the more digitalization, the more cyber-security risks are involved. Digital trust is a concept that addresses this issue by improving the stakeholders confidence in adopting and using the digital ecosystem. The blockchain technology is one solution to the cyber-security problem. It consists in an open and distributed ledger that logs transactions efficiently in a verifiable and permanent way without a third trusted party. The blockchain uses cryptography, decentralized data, resilience and digital identity to increase security and ensure trust between the stakeholders. However, there are still open issues related to the blockchain, which prevent it from democratization in financial organizations and other corporations, and opens perspectives for further improvements
SEIT 2019 provided an opportunity for the actors to exchange about digital trust in general and the blockchain in particular. It included keynote presentations and an interactive panel discussion, as well as a poster session and an open project competition.
Among the planned speakers, there was Prof. Anas ABOU EL KALAM (OSCARS Lab, ENSA, UCA, President of AMAN, Morocco), Christophe BIANCO (Founder & CTO of Excellium Services, Luxembourg), Pierre DANDJINOU (VP Stakeholder engagement, ICANN, Africa Region), Sylvain GUILLEY (COMELEC Dept., Télécom ParisTech. CTO & Co-founder, Secure-IC. France), Prof. Abderrahmane NITAJ (LMNO Lab, Univ. Caen, Normandie, France), Aamer RANA (CEO, Teal Technology Services, Morocco), Prof. Jean Louis ROCH (Verimag Lab. Director of ENSIMAG, Grenoble INP France).
The branch organized a workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine…
The branch has organized a recruitment session for the new…
The branch has organized a recruitment session for the new…