5TH IEEE CiSt'18

The IEEE CiSt Congress is among the most prestigious INTERNATIONAL events held in Morocco and which encompasses focused CONFERENCES that gather the best scientists and world class experts to share leading edge and multidisciplinary research in various fields related to information science and technology. The congress is co-sponsored by the IEEE Morocco Section and the IEEE Morocco Computer & Communication Joint Chapter. The 2018 fifth edition will be held in Marrakesh, Morocco on October 2018. CiSt is indexed by IEEE, Scopus and DBLP.
After holding four editions, the IEEE international Congress on Information Science and Technology is emerging as a leading event that aims to serve as a forum to promote the exchange of the latest advances achieved by IT researchers, IT decision makers, IT managers, application designers and software engineers in the domain of computer based information and communication sciences. Computing challenges, conceptual models, implementation techniques and tools, applications architectures, and IT solutions will be discussed from the perspectives of academia, businesses, industry and government. The 2018 edition will also include tutorials and keynote sessions from world class speakers. CiSt’2018 will also provide a platform for supporting innovative and original contributions. CiSt’2018 will include tutorials, presentations of contributed papers, posters, a research panel, an industrial track and state-of-the-art lectures by invited keynote speakers.
The congress sponsors will provide, under special circumstances, grants for IEEE student members who will be applying to attend the technical congress talks and meetings.

Accepted papers will be published in the proceeding and submitted to IEEE Xplore Library (ISBN Copyright notice : 978-1-5386-4385-3 / ©2018 IEEE), SCOPUS and DBLP.
Furthermore, Authors of high quality papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work for potential publication in a special issue/section of an international journal.
Accepted papers must be registered; otherwise they will not be considered for indexation.

Paper Submission: March 16, 2018 > April 30, 2018
Acceptance Notification: June 24, 2018
Camera-ready Submission: July 8, 2018
Author Registration: July 27, 2018
Congress Dates: October 21-27, 2018
Congress Main Tracks
- Requirement Engineering and Information Modeling Concepts
- Foundations and Concept Formalization for Database Schemas
- Distributed Database Systems and Mobile Database Applications
- Big Data, Data Warehouses, and Business Intelligence
- Knowledge Management Systems, Data mining and Knowledge discovery
- Enterprise Engineering, Models and Frameworks
- Enterprise Resource Planning and Enterprise Application Integration
- Enterprise Knowledge Engineering, Management and Security
- Business Modeling and Business Process Management
- Governance and Business-IT Alignment
- EA and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Measurements, Metrics and Evaluation of EA Artifacts and Processes
- Architectures and Design Principles for Enterprise Repositories
- Mobile Computing
- Web Services and cloud computing
- Social Networking and Collaborative Computing
- Profiling and Recommendation Systems
- Semantic Web Technologies and Applications
- Ontology Modeling and Deployment
- Natural Language Interfaces and Systems
- Multi-Agent Systems and Case-Based Reasoning Systems
Information about submitting your paper is available here
Visit often our congress website to be updated with the latest news or send your inquiry to sc-cist18@ieee.ma