Event 1: Scientific Research: Careers

Scientific Research: Careers

IEEE student branch of Hassan II University of Casablanca is organizing a Doctoral Day under the theme "Scientific Research: Careers Paths".
This special event will be held on April 3rd, 2019 at the National Higher School of Electricity and Mechanics (ENSEM). It will bring together students, PhD students, teachers, entrepreneurs and engineers from academia and industry. The event features four special talks addressed by distinguished keynote speakers: Prof. Mohammed Sadik from ENSEM (Hassan II University), Mr. Mohamed EL KINANI from OMPIC, Prof. Essaid Sabir from ENSEM (Hassan II University), Dr. Tarik Nesh-Nash from Mundiapolis. These talks will shed light on the technical and pedagogical tools each junior researcher needs; from the definition of the thesis topic to its integration into the professional world; for a successful scientific career. Moreover, many discussions and panels around pedagogical practices hosting different categories of actors. These panels are delivered by Dr. Mohammed Ennaji, Prof. Fatima Ezzahra Ouzayd, Dr. Noureddine Labiad, Dr. Ahmed Ezzahidi, Dr. Siham Benhadou, Dr. Hassan Bennani, Dr.Tarik Nesh-Nash and Prof. Soumaya Bekkali.

pictures of the event