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Marie-Aude Aufaure

Ecole Centrale Paris, MAS Laboratory, Chatenay-Malabry, France

Tutorial: "Advancement in Business Intelligence: theoretical and practical perspectives"
Keynote: "challenges and opportunities induced by Big Data and Open Data for Business Intelligence"


Marie-Aude Aufaure who obtained a PhD in computer science from the University of Paris 6, is full professor at Ecole Centrale Paris (MAS Laboratory) and head of the Academic Chair in Business Intelligence. She is also scientific partner at INRIA in the Axis project. Her research interests deals with the analysis, retrieval and querying of unstructured data, and the combination of structured and unstructured data. The scientific topics developed in her team are related to semantic technologies, graphs, conceptual classification with user-centric point of view and are applied to semantic information retrieval, question and answering over data warehouses, social networks and recommender systems (special focus on user modeling and personalization). She is reviewer for many journals and conferences and has deeply published in the fields of semantic technologies, data mining and databases. She is independent expert for the European Commission (DG CONNECT) and takes part of many European and National projects. She is also local coordinator for Ecole Centrale Paris of the Erasmus Mundus Master Information Technologies for Business Intelligence.

Dino Pedreschi

Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa, Italy, Knowledge Discovery and Delivery Laboratory - KDD Lab

Keynote: "Advancements in Big Data, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery"


Dino Pedreschi was born in 1958 in Italy, and holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Pisa, obtained in 1987. He is currently a full professor at the Dipartimento di Informatica of the University of Pisa. He has been a visiting scientist and professor at the University of Texas at Austin (1989/90), at CWI Amsterdam (1993) and at UCLA (1995). He has been the coordinator of the working group Non-determinism in deductive databases, jointly sponsored by the European Union and the US National Science Foundation, involving four European and two US universities and research centers. His current research interests are in data mining and logic in databases, and particularly in data analysis, in the integration of data mining and database querying, in spatio-temporal reasoning, and in formal methods for deductive computing. He has taught classes on programming languages, databases and datamining in universities in Italy and abroad. He participated in the scientific committee of various conferences in the area of Logic Programming and Databases, including the LID'96 Workshop on Logic in Databases, where he was program co-chair, and the LPNMR'99 Workshop on Logic Programming and Non Monotonic Reasoning, 1999. 

He is a co-chair of ECML/PKDD 2004, the international conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. He served as the coordinator of the undergraduate studies in Computer Science at the University of Pisa, and as a vice-rector of the same university, with responsibility in teaching affairs.

He is the national coordinator of the basic research project GeoPKDD - Geographic Privacy-aware Knowledge Discovery and Delivery, funded by MIUR under the PRIN 2004 program.

He is the coordinator of workpackage 2 (Privacy-aware spatio-temporal data mining) of the FP6 project GeoPKDD - Geographic Privacy-aware Knowledge Discovery and Delivery, funded by the European Commission.

Vito Pirrelli
ILC-CNR, Area della Ricerca CNR, Pisa, Italy
Keynote: "Psycho computational models of language  processing and learning"
European Chair of "NetWordS: the European Network on Word Structure", European Science Foundation Research Networking Programme, Member of the Editorial Board of “Lingue e Linguaggio”,  Member of the Editorial Board of   "Linguistica Computazionale",  Member of the Scientific Board of the Centre for Post-doc Research and Education “The languages of Europe: Typology, History and Sociolinguistics” (LETISS),  Member of the Scientific Committee of ILC, Head of the CNR Dylan Lab, Head of the CNR strategic project “Bio-computational models of language and cognition”.

Keynote for the IoT Invited Session
"Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart cities: Research opportunities and Applications"

Mohammad Hammoudeh

School of Computing, Math and Digital Technology, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK


Mohammad Hammoudeh is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Networks and Security in the School of Computing, Math and Digital Technology at the Manchester Metropolitan University.  His current research interests are in distributed systems, ad-hoc wireless and mobile networks, information extraction and data visualisation, Formal verification and Web Service. He is the External Examiner for the BSc (Hons) Computer Security and Forensics at the University of Bedfordshire. He is also the HEA Institutional Representative (Information and Computer Sciences Subject). He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Keynote for the IoT Invited Session
"IPv6-based IoT Innovation Acceleration” from the work we have done on the EU funded project IoT6: www.iot6.eu"


Research Fellow, SnT-Luxembourg University; Founder & President, IPv6 Forum; Chair, IEEE ComSoc IoT and 5G subCommittees


Latif Ladid is a Senior Researcher at SnT. He works on multiple European Commission Next Generation Technologies IST Projects:
6INIT, www.6init.org  - First Pioneer IPv6 Research Project; 6WINIT, Euro6IX, www.euro6ix.org ; Eurov6, www.eurov6.org ; NGNi, www.ngni.org ; Project initiator of SEINIT, www.seinit.org and SecurIST, www.securitytaskforce.org .
Latif initiated the new EU project u-2010 to research Emergency & Disaster and Crisis Management, www.u-2010.eu, re-launched the Public Safety Communication Forum, www.publicsafetycommunication.eu ,
supported the new IPv6++ EU Research Project called EFIPSANS, www.efipsans.org and the new safety & Security Project using IPv6 called Secricom, www.secricom.eu
and co-initiated the new EU Coordination of the European Future Internet Forum for Member States called ceFIMS: www.ceFIMS.eu.
He holds the following positions: President, IPv6 FORUM www.ip6forum.org, Chair, European IPv6 Task Force www.ipv6.eu , Emeritus Trustee, Internet Society www.isoc.org , Board Member IPv6 Ready & Enabled Logos Program and Board Member World Summit Award www.wsis-award.org .
Latif is also a Member of 3GPP PCG (www.3gpp.org), 3GPP2 PCG (www.3gpp2.org), Vice Chair, IEEE ComSoc EntNET (www.comsoc.org/~entnet/ ), Member of UN Strategy Council, member of IEC Executive Committee, Board member of AW2I, Board Member of Nii Quaynor Institute for Research in Africa, and member of the Future Internet Forum EU Member States, representing Luxembourg: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/foi/lead/fif/index_en.htm .

Keynote for the ANLP Invited Session
"Arabic Natural Language Processing: Models, Systems and Applications"

Abdelhadi Soudi

Ecole Nationale de l’Industrie Minérale (ENIM), Rabat, Morocco


Head of the multidisciplinary research team « Mathématiques-Informatique et Linguistique »,Head of the Center for Languages and Communication ENIM Rabat, Project Leader of “Assistive Technologies for Improving Literacy among the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Project Leader of “Affordable Design and Entrepreneurship – Morocco”, Initiator of research and Education cooperation between the United States and Morocco in the area of Human Language Technologies through the NSF funded workshop “United States-Morocco Human Language Technology: team building and project startup”, Research Project Principal Investigator of English-to-Arabic Knowledge-Based Machine Translation, Project Co-Principal Investigator “The development of linguistic tools that support Human and Machine Translation between Arabic and Italian”, Member of EU-funded project on the development of Mediterranean language resources and tools (NEMLAR project)

Keynote for the Industrial Session

"Green Technology and Corporate Social Responsibility for Engineering Sustainabilitys"

Professor Ezendu Ariwa

Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Bedfordshire, UK
Chair, IEEE Consumer Electronics & Broadcast Technology Chapter, UKRI 
Chair, IEEE Technology Management Council Chapter, UKRI 
President, IGIP  - International Society for Engineering Education, UK Section
Green Technology and Engineering Sustainability remains an essential aspect of providing pedagogical portfolio for delivering Assistive Learning Systems that will enable the achievement of energy saving and environmental sustainable applications in both the business and industrial sectors.  The issue of virtual usability and awareness management strategy may result in achieving excellence in energy efficiency and usage, environmental considerations and energy re-use strategic models. The return on investment (ROI) as strategic outcome of the model may restore organisations with huge energy wastage without thinking of cost, environmental impact and carbon emissions.

Professor Ezendu  Ariwa holds the position of Professor at University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom, Department of Computer Science & Technology, with speciality in Practice in Computing. He is also a Visiting Professor at Gulf University, Bahrain, Visiting Professor, University of Lagos, Nigeria and Visiting Professor, Kano State Polytechnics, Nigeria as well as Visiting Affiliate of the Green IT Observatory, RIMT University, Australia and Visiting Affiliate of ICT University, USA.  He also holds the position of Director - Technical and Non-Executive Director and Research Professor for Enterprise Projects at Sun Bio IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd, India.  He is also the Chair for the IEEE Consumer Electronics Chapter, United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland (UKRI) and Chair for the IEEE Broadcast Technology Chapter, UKRI. He is a Senior Member of Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (SMIEE); Chartered FELLOW of the British Computer Society (CITP, FBCS),  Fellow of the Institute of Information Technology Training (FIITT), Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA).

He is also a member of the Elite Group of The British Computer Society (BCS), member of British Institute of Facilities Management and Fellow of Global Strategic Management, Inc., Michigan, USA and Member of the UK Council for Health Informatics. He is the Co-ordinator of the Digital Enterprise Research Group (DERG), African Research in Business Group (ARBG) and working with the team to achieve African Business and Enterprise Research Observatory (ABERO) at the London Metropolitan Business School. The ABERO achieved good collaboration with multicultural SMEs in the United Kingdom, with respect to mentoring and working on joint professional development enterprise programmes. He has experience of doctoral research supervision as well as doctoral external examiner for various Universities both in the UK and internationally.

He has a good research profile and the Founding Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Green Computing (IJGC), Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (IJCDS), Journal of E-Technology, and the Associate Editor of the International Journal of E-Politics and the Associate Editor of International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST). He is a member of Policy Co-ordination Committee of the International Research Foundation for Development (A Corporation of NGO in special Consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations). Professor Ezendu Ariwa is author of a number of books and more than 100 papers published in international journals and conference proceedings. has also delivered keynote speeches at various international conferences.

Keynote for the Industrial Session

"Smart Grid: Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Opportunities"

Professor Mohammed Essaadi

ENSIAS Director, Rabat, Morocco
Chair, IEEE Morocco Section

Keynote for the ANLP Invited Session

"Arabic Natural Language Processing: Models, Systems and Applications”

Dr. Mohammed El-Hannach

Full Professor of Arabic Language Engineering at Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, College of Arts and Humanities, Fez


PH.D in Arabic Language Engineering from the University of Paris VII (Laboratoire d'Automatique Documentaire et Linguistique – LADL), Reviewer for many scientific journals and international conferences and has published many articles in the fields of Arabic language engineering, He is taking part of many projects on Arabic applications, such as syntactical and morphological analyzers, Arabic Ontology, etc., Developer of Al-Erfan international test of Arabic as a foreign Language (TOEFL), General Director of LINGUISTICA COMMUNICATIO (International Journal of Arabic Language Engineering & General Linguistics), General manger of Al-Erfan for Educational Consulting & Professional Development, Academic Advisor at Abha University, KSA, General secretary of Arabic Language Engineering Society in Morocco (ALESM), Ex: Academic Accreditation Consultant at Canadian University of Dubai, UAE, Ex: Arabic Linguistics Advisor at Abu Dhabi Education Council – UAE

Keynote for the Industrial Session

"IT Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Software Engineering: Best Practices and Ingredients for Successful Development”

Ing. Karim Boukabbouz

Co-Founder and Chief Technical Officer of Intelligent Business Solutions North Africa


Karim Boukabbouz was born on 1988 in Al Hoceima, Morocco. He is the co-founder and Chief Technical Officer, since 2012, of Intelligent Business Solutions North Africa, a software engineering company based in Tetuan and member of the IBS European network. Karim holds a Master’s degree in computer science from the University of Abdelmalek Essaadi.
Karim developed an interest in computers and programming at an early age; when he was about 10, he used a Sinclair computer to create arcade games and educative programs for fun. His first professional projects was back in 2008 and at the age of 20 years old when he was still enrolled at Tetuan University. As a freelancer software developer, he was hired by international companies from Canada, The United States, Belgium and the UK. He worked on projects dealing with Web Applications and Security, ERP Software, and Mobile Apps. His clients praised him for quickly understanding their customer functional and technical business requirements, for providing software with high quality standards and for his on-time delivery. Karim has also become an active community developer contributor to the openERP (now Odoo) solution and forum.
In 2013, Karim brought with the IBS team several specialized products to the Moroccan and European markets such as Tabib, Elite+, Mondem, Monadem POS, and other customized products for enterprise information management, Business Intelligence & Analytics, CTI and Customer Support System. Many businesses in Morocco and Europe has outsourced the development and maintenance of their enterprise information management systems to IBS NA, which is making an exceptional start for the IBS team and Karim professional’s career.

Keynote for the Industrial Session

"10 years evaluation: Fez E-Gov project achievements and perspectives"

Ing. Houda Chakiri

Founder and CEO of Enhanced Technologies


Mrs Houda Chakiri is CEO and founder of Enhanced Technologies, a Moroccan IT company specializing in developing e-Government solutions. Has a bachelor’s degree in Physics from Med V University Rabat, master’s degree in Laser Physics from Hassan II University Casablanca, Masters of Science in Computer Networksfrom Al Akhawayn University Ifrane and presently enrolled in a Doctorat program at Sidi Med Ben Abdellah University of Fes. She has worked since 2003 as an IT manager overseeing different R&D projects et Al Akhawayn University, and is currently working to manage the change that introduction of ICT brings to the organizational, political, and social levels in public administration. She was selected among top ten finalists of Sawaed contest 2008-2009 for generating innovative ideas on using ICT to promote Arabic Content in the Arab World and was named among 100 best young social entrepreneurs in the world to attend GK3 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in December 2007 and was recently (2012) selected in Techwomen program among 40 women in technology from MENA region.

Keynote for the Industrial Session

"R&D innovation from the industrial Moroccan perspective"

Khalid Ayouche

CEO FAAR Industry


Mobile App



Springer book series on "Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technology" [MOST] published from Springer, Germany. (http://www.springer.com/series/10577). 
Elsevier is a world-leading provider of information solutions that enhance the performance of science, health, and technology professionals.


International Journal of Information and Communication Technology www.inderscience.com/ijict


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