Invited session on “Arabic Natural Language Processing:Models, Systems and Applications” will be held on 21-22 October 2014 within IEEE CIST’14, in Tetuan-Chefchaouen, Morocco.
Language technologies are instrumental to millions of people who use them every day without even being aware of them. Systems like Google Translate and web search engines rely more and more on levels of linguistic information automatically provided through NLP-based tools operating in the background. This development, we believe, has deeply affected the way we think about language from a scientific perspective. Linguists have progressively turned the focus of their research from abstract structural properties of language to the dynamics of its usage in every-day communicative contexts. There is increasing awareness that language technologies and computational models of language processes not only shed considerable light on traditional issues in language and literary studies but may also lead to a radical reconceptualization of them. Theoretical models of aspects of language usage such as language acquisition, lexical access, speech recognition, text translation, text analysis, ontology extraction, reading and optical character recognition can be put to a rigorous empirical test through computer-based implementations of some of their assumptions. In this perspective, computer technologies prove to provide an empirical middle ground where interdisciplinary insights coming from different theoretical standpoints and scientific domains can be empirically assessed and possibly integrated.
This special session is intended to explore and debate the contribution of computational language models to a better understanding of linguistic, psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic, historical and literary issues of the Arabic language and culture. We particularly welcome contributions addressing fundamental aspects of Arabic NLP, communication technology, language resources and automated text analysis by looking at their implications for both state-of-the-art language technologies and Arabic language knowledge at large.
We solicit submission of original ideas and papers describing significant results and developments from both researchers and practitioners in a specific range of fields addressing the following topics:
Information retrieval and extraction
Text mining
Named entity recognition
Question answering
Word sense disambiguation
Machine Translation
Stochastic language models
Connectionist language models
Language technologies for Arabic cultural heritage
Arabic optical character recognition
Arabic digital epigraphy
Vito Pirrelli, Institute for Computational Linguistics CNR, Pisa Italy
Arsalane Zarghili, FST University of Fez, Morocco
Organizing Committee
Ouafae Nahli, ILC-CNR Pisa, Italy
Claudia Marzi, ILC-CNR Pisa, Italy
Ismail Jellouli, FST, UAE, Tetuan, Morocco
Ahmed Zinedine, FSDM, USMBA, Fez, Morocco
Marcello Ferro, ILC-CNR Pisa, Italy
Eva Sassolini, ILC-CNR Pisa, Italy
Sebastiana Cuccurullo, ILC-CNR Pisa, Italy
Angelo Del Grosso, ILC-CNR Pisa, Italy
Scientific Committee
Sami Boudelaa, Department of Linguistics University Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
Federico Boschetti, Institute for Computational Linguistics CNR, Pisa Italy
Houda Bouamor, Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar
Violetta Cavalli-Sforza, Al Akhawayn University, Morocco
Ilham Chaker, FST University of Fez, Morocco
Yacine El Younoussi, ENSA of Tetuan, Morocco
Nizar Habash, Center for Computational Learning Systems, Columbia University
Nabil Hathout, CNRS Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, France
Azzedine Mazroui, University of Oujda, Morocco
Behrang Mohit, Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar
Kemal Oflazer, Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar
Vito Pirrelli, Institute for Computational Linguistics CNR, Pisa Italy
Horacio Rodriguez, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona Spain
Abdelhadi Soudi, Ecole Nationale de l'Industrie Minérale, Rabat Morocco
Youssef Tahir, University Hassan 2 of Casablanca Morocco
François Yvon, LIMSI CNRS Université de Paris-Sud, France
Arsalane Zarghili, FST University of Fez, Morocco
Mohamed EL Hannach, FLSH University of Fez, Morocco
Jamal Kharroubi, FST University of Fez, Morocco
Abdelhak Lakhouaja, FST University of Oujda, Morocco
Papers submissions
Prospective authors should submit, by using
the online abstract submission form, an extended abstract of 4 to 6 pages max (including references) in English, French or Arabic. However, accepted submissions will be required to be in scholarly English for publication in the conference proceedings. Please also use the
IEEE Manuscript template.
Accepted papers will be published in the proceeding in the IEEE Xplore Library. Furthermore, authors of high quality contributions will be invited to submit an extended version of their work for potential publication in a special issue/section of an international journal.
Accepted papers must be registered; otherwise they will not be included in the IEEE Xplore Library.
Paper Submission: April 15, 2014 / April 30, 2014
Acceptance Notification: May 30, 2014
Camera-ready Submission: June 23, 2014
Author Registration: July 23, 2014
Invited session Date: October 21, 22 2014
At least one of the co-authors of every paper should register.
Contact information
Detailed and up-to-date information about IEEE CIST’14, Tetuan-Chefchaouen and Morocco can be accessed through the colloquium’s website, or email
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